Art in Architecture - A Symposium at Messums, Wiltshire 7th October 2023
News — 04 Sep 2023

On 7th October 2023, Mike Stiff will be taking part in Messums Wiltshire annual architecture symposium, celebrating the latest innovation and evolution in construction and design through a series of talks and presentations by leading architects and innovators in the field.
This year topics will include creative spaces for arts in the community and discussions on the role of beauty and aesthetics in architectural practice. The symposium will reflect on the concept of ‘beauty’ as a malleable quality, considering the relationship between aesthetics and functionality. Furthermore, it will consider how our perception of aesthetics, and our relationship with specific materials, may shift in relation to the context of time.
Mike is chairing an afternoon session on Art and Architecture: boundaries between art and architecture with architects who make
art and artists who work with buildings. Four presentations explore this theme followed by a discussion
chaired by Mike.
The symposium starts at 10am and the full timetable can be found here along with details of how to book your place.