
CALM Week at Stiff+Trevillion

News — 27 Jun 2024

Last week we held a series of activities to raise money and highlight the incredibly important work of the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM).

125 lives are lost every week to suicide. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. CALM works to change this by provoking conversation, running life-saving services, and bringing people together so they reject living miserably, get help when they need it and don’t die by suicide.

As part of our week of events, we had a healthy and nutritious breakfast, two lunchtime walks to spend time together and away from our desks, shared material provided by CALM and ended the week with a studio lunch, prepared by our colleagues Clare and Adam.

We're also raising money for, Adam who is running The London 10k, supported by Saucony, for CALM. If you have a few spare pennies, you can donate here:

Thank you