
Newson's Yard Highly Commended in the AJ Retrofit and Reuse Awards 2024

News — 11 Sep 2024

We are delighted that our project for Grosvenor, Newson’s Yard, was awarded 'Highly Commended' in the 2024 Architects’ Journal AJ Retrofit and Reuse Awards.

The Judges said, "This existing builder’s yard on Pimlico Road has been adapted into a retail space with a public route through the site. The design is simple to retain as much of the existing as possible: a naturally lit, double-height space with mezzanine levels inserted to each side formed of CLT and brick. This ‘imaginatively done’ and ‘really coherent’ scheme of ‘beautiful architectural merit’ was awarded a highly commended as the judges thought it set a precedent for inspiring other clients. ‘It has a specialness to it,’ they said

Completed in 2022, the yard is accessed through a low entrance between shops. The airy, double-ended central arcade has been retained with retail spaces arranged either side. The original brick, Victorian metal structure and timber-framed rooflight were retained and restored.