Planning Consent for 338 Ladbroke Grove
News — 18 Mar 2016

The plot sits at the junction of Ladbroke Grove and Kensal Road and is made up of 3 parcels of land: 321-335 Kensal Road (vacant land), 337 Kensal Road, and the land adjacent to 338 Ladbroke Grove, W1. It was granted planning consent on Thursday 17 March 2016.
The proposal comprises office uses at all floor levels with active A1/A3 retail/restaurant at lower ground floor. The scheme will connect to the wider city through the major arteries of Ladbroke Grove and Kensal Road and the respective public transportation routes they offer. It will encourage greater local connectivity allowing movement and interchange between the site and nearby enterprises - notably those of Portobello Dock and the new Grand Union Centre. This is underlined by a similar mix of uses across both sites.
This project aims to develop a more attractive public realm and will support the regeneration of North Kensington, delivering employment for the area.